Hi, and thanks for being a part of Why. The point of this app is to bring people closer together through questions — big questions, silly questions, deep questions, wild questions that take a conversation to unexpected places. We believe (and science also confirms) that the most important thing in life is our relationships with others, so we made an app to help make that easier in the weird and sometimes dark world we currently live in.

Although there are many things that make Why a social experience, we don’t consider it a social media app in the traditional sense. We are not interested in using dopamine rushes and easy validation to incentivize users to create an endless scroll of “content.” We are interested in creating a safe (but not sanitized) and trusting (while still challenging) place to explore the depths of our personalities and hopes and dreams and jokes and ideas and philosophies and whatever else comes up.

Ground Rules

1. Be Honest.

There’s really no way to enforce this, but we strongly encourage you to answer questions truthfully, with vulnerability, and with an open heart. There’s no pressure here to share *everything*, but what you do share should ideally reflect the true spirit of your life, your story, and your opinions. That means *not* doing things like rage-baiting or making up crazy stories for attention. And when it comes to things outside or your own life and perspective, don’t post false information or make things up about other people.

2. Be respectful.

You can disagree, you can even be infuriated by what somebody else says. You are not required to like anybody and they are not required to like you back. However, you are required to treat other people like human beings and generally to contribute to building a community that doesn’t make people feel unsafe or miserable. You cannot engage in harassment, doxing, hate speech, bullying, racism, or misogyny. You also cannot post content that isn’t your own intellectual property. If you see any of the above happening, please let us know at

3. Be safe.

We do our best to moderate this community, but be mindful about posting identifying about yourself, especially your location, in public places on the app. Don’t post about other people by name without their permission and don’t share people’s phone numbers, addresses, or financial info. Don’t incite violence or rally the community to attack or generally bother someone else.

4. No scams, spam, etc.

Spamming, phishing, or any form of scamming is prohibited. Do not misuse our services or create multiple accounts to manipulate or deceive others.

When you use Why, you agree to follow these guidelines and contribute to a positive and respectful community. Violating these guidelines may result in account suspension or termination. We reserve the right to remove any content that violates our guidelines. If you believe your account was suspended or terminated in error, you can appeal the decision by contacting